
How to Skip Git Commit Hooks

Git commit hooks are scripts that run automatically every time a commit is made to a repository. They can be used to enforce certain rules or perform specific actions, such as running tests or formatting code. However, there may be times when you need to skip a commit hook in order to make a commit. In this article, we’ll discuss how to skip Git commit hooks and when it’s appropriate to do so.

Understanding Git Commit Hooks

Git commit hooks are scripts that are stored in the .git/hooks directory of a repository. They are triggered by specific actions, such as committing, pushing, or merging. There are several types of commit hooks, including:

  • pre-commit: Runs before a commit is made.
  • prepare-commit-msg: Runs before the commit message is created.
  • commit-msg: Runs after the commit message is created but before the commit is made.
  • post-commit: Runs after a commit is made.

Commit hooks can be written in any scripting language, but they are most commonly written in Bash. They are triggered by the corresponding Git command, such as git commit for pre-commit hooks.

Skipping Git Commit Hooks

There are several ways to skip a Git commit hook. The most common method is to use the --no-verify flag when making a commit:

git commit --no-verify -m "Commit message"Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Another method is to set the core.hooksPath git config option to point to an empty directory:

git config --global core.hooksPath /dev/nullCode language: PHP (php)

This will prevent any hooks from running for any of your repositories.

You can also use the SKIP_GIT_HOOKS environment variable:

SKIP_GIT_HOOKS=1 git commit -m "Commit message"Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This will skip the hooks for the current commit only.

Best Practices for Skipping Git Commit Hooks

While it’s possible to skip a Git commit hook, it’s important to understand when it’s appropriate to do so. Commit hooks are in place to ensure the integrity of the repository and the code. Skipping a hook can potentially introduce errors or bugs.

It’s generally best to fix the issue that’s causing the hook to fail rather than skip it. If the hook is failing due to a legitimate reason, such as a test failure or code formatting issue, it’s important to address the issue before committing.

If you must skip a hook, it’s important to document the reason why and ensure that the integrity of the repository is maintained.


Git commit hooks are a powerful tool for maintaining the integrity of a repository and enforcing specific rules or actions. However, there may be times when you need to skip a commit hook. By understanding how Git commit hooks work and when it’s appropriate to skip them, you can ensure that your repository remains in a stable and healthy state.

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